Highland, Utah 2025

highland,UtahUtah's smallest town, Highland, is tucked away in the mountains roughly 30 miles south of Salt Lake City. Despite its small population, Highland, Utah, has plenty to offer visitors. Here are several fascinating facts regarding this charming mountain community:

1. Highland is renowned for its beautiful surroundings and picturesque mountain landscape. Timpanogos is adjacent to the town and offers excellent hiking and skiing opportunities.

2. Highland's population is around 15,000, making it Utah's tiniest incorporated town. Despite its modest size, the community enjoys a strong sense of pride and community, with numerous yearly festivals and gatherings.

3. The town of Highland has a long and illustrious history. The area was originally settled in the late 1800s by Scottish and Scottish-Irish immigrants who gave the town its name due to its elevated topography. To commemorate their Scottish heritage, the town still has several places and streets called after Scottish towns and landmarks, including the Edinburgh Avenue and the Loch Lomond Golf Course.

4. Highland is renowned for the annual Highland Scottish Festival, held every July. This event draws crowds from all over the country and features traditional Scottish music, food, and games such as caber tossing, archery, and hammer throwing.

5. The town boasts numerous restaurants and shops, many of which are family-owned. The Highland Drive-In is a well-liked location for delicious food and beverages, whereas the Handy Man shop sells everything from artisan jewelry to handmade soaps.

6. The vistas in and around Highland are stunning, with towering mountains, verdant forests, and tranquil lakes. The nearby Timpanogos Cave National Monument is a popular destination for hiking and cavern exploration.

7. Highland residents are renowned for their kindness and hospitality, and visitors frequently express surprise at how welcoming and pleasant the area is.

8. The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, the Highland Games, and the Highland Fling are only a few of the numerous annual festivals and activities held in Highland. There is always something happening in this small town!

9. Highland has notably strong community ties, with many longtime citizens who have lived there their entire lives. Neighbors are invariably eager to assist neighbors and join together to support community events.

10. Overall, Highland is an exciting location to visit all year round, with breathtaking scenery, exciting annual events, and warm locals with a strong sense of community.

Overall, Highland never fails to enchant visitors with its breathtaking scenery, rich history, and friendly townsfolk. Visit Highland, Utah, to experience its natural splendor and community spirit!